New Facebook-esque massacre Twitter

Facebook confirmed that yesterday. The Bristol firm for start test features new work "Subscribe" for users and pages with this feature would allow users to "track" (follow) the user or fan effect e to be notified (notifications) on there. updated profiles. Or contents like the new picture or video etc.

With this new feature will enable users to the current diagonal BOT is a friend to track the approximately 130 cases, which is very difficult to update all instantly. Featuring "Subscribe" Facebook users can select the friends they want to track all the updates. Have similar characteristics. Who has time to update our comments. Get the news feed management easier for a group of friends in Facebook as well.

However, a new feature of this work. Also reminiscent of the principal features of Sony Financial Network at Twitter as well, which just passed through the main Miles hits the 145 million yesterday. Follwing that particular property, we can track the movement of updating friends on Twitter have to move this time of Facebook, so it seems. It is fast becoming a social network that is completed by the proposed features do Tasks to Twitter users by going to Facebook or kill Twitter?
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