HTML5 standard view on the site.

HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language is a language used for display on the site. This is a statement or a tag (Tag) and which controls the display. Contents of the site and comes across as the creators intended. Visit our website today. Simple HTML with a total structure.

HTML language that has developed continuously various versions. Each version will be developed in several parts, such as adding a new item to the order or cancel the order the tags. By changing the rules on the display. The standard used in the present, is HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.1 (XHTML is a combination of HTML and XML together), and the latest standard is under development and will be available soon. The HTML5.

HTML5 is a standard display of the latest developments. It seems a previous standard. Will have new features in version 5. Added a lot ', in which many features are not necessary to install additional software, like the previous HTML version of the other features include the use of video. The geographical position. Storing files online. Display and graphics. Viewing Flash, Silverlight and so on.

In HTML5 is to add a tag or a new element for many of the commands in response to the display of the new models will have the item, some of which were added to replace the use of blogs, online ( ), the element is inline (), including
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